Being bare, lays the foundation of a community, creates a safe space where having a degree or a good job or being a mother doesn’t justify being told, ‘you should have known better’.

Knowing the ongoing, visceral truth of these types of separations, means I can speak directly to women in these situations.

We are tired of being told what we ‘should have done’ by those who haven’t woken up at 3am sweating in abject terror about whether they can pay the bills or what the long-term damage is to the kids.

By being transparent, I can begin to guide yet even more women trapped in these torturous, difficult divorces on their own personal journey to independence and freedom. I can show them you can get out of the tunnel.

I’ve designed my Soar4Freedom System to create this collective community.

But make no mistake, I am not the hero of this story.

That accolade goes to those many, many KickAss Angels who have helped guide me to clarity and conviction. They are my colleagues, my clients, my friends, my family.

Each of them has taught me that true bravery comes from being open, naked, and kind – no matter the risk of judgement, or shame, or embarrassment, or the crippling self-doubt. I am only able to do this work by drawing deeply on their love and compassion for me.

And so everyday, I remind myself to act with intention, to honour their faith in me, to be who they would have me be – a KickAss Angel. They helped me get my wings back and my mission is to help other women to do the same.


Want to become a KickAss Angel too? Difficult Divorce


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