My Freedom To Thrive Blog

Lawyers, keep your ship afloat

Lawyers, keep your ship afloat

  If you are reading this, chances are you are feeling a bit frazzled. You did your law degree, you went into practice full of shiny, good intentions, and now, in what feels like merely a blink of an eye, you are overworked, sleep-deprived, snapping at your loved...

Why should I refer to you?

Why should I refer to you?

  If your clients are anything like mine, they will ask you, 'Do you know anyone who...?' It's always a bit of a sticky moment because, firstly, we can never be totally sure of any outcome and, secondly, often we only know another professional in a sort of...

The Difficult Divorce case study you will never forget

The Difficult Divorce case study you will never forget

Back in July 2022 a case came before Mr Justice Francis which could be the ultimate case study for understanding the dynamics of Difficult Divorce. It has just been made public this week. Concerned with Schedule 1 of the Children’s Act, the hearing was essentially...

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