My Freedom To Thrive Blog

Always follow the light

Always follow the light

In February it was my birthday. I wrote this 2 days after turning 49. I pondered on what my near half century on the planet had taught me? 1. Authenticity is like a volcano In my younger days I tried to 'fit' in. In relationships. In career. In 'groups'. Try as I...

Sex is complicated for men

Sex is complicated for men

When you work with relationship issues you have to get used to dealing with pretty much anything that comes your way. Now admittedly the vast majority of my clients are women, but just occasionally I get a man who decides 'enough is enough' about something important...

Hypnotherapy: Is it Woo-Woo?

Hypnotherapy: Is it Woo-Woo?

Today I was discussing my hypnotherapy work with a struggling lady. Like most potential clients she wasn't really sure if it was for her and wanted to know more about it. No easy task I can assure you. It is really hard to get across to clients that of all the...

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