My Freedom To Thrive Blog
To block or not to block (communication)? That is the question.
This is a relatively common and murky issue for my female clients: how to deal with ongoing communication in their difficult divorces. As the ladies I work with are coming out of marriages characterized by incredibly unhealthy relationship dynamics, for many the ideal...

What is the mental attitude you need entering therapy?
How you answer this question is a good indicator of your outcome in therapy. If you answer: 1. I would wait for someone to 'give me' the answer 2. I would wait for the professionals to take 'reponsibility' 3. I would wait until 'I have permission' to selfcare 4. I...

Are you ready to take your clothes off?
In his book "The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life." Sociologist Erving Goffman uses the metaphor of the stage to argue that much of our self-presentation is performative. We have the backstage and the frontstage. When working with professionals this is something...